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Fire is not easily tamed, yet the Davidoff Master Blenders have done it. You can taste the heat and intensity of the rich, volcanic soil of Nicaragua that they softened to bittersweet perfection. You will feel a fire to match the passion for fine cigars.
Only the Davidoff Master Blenders could take on the power of nature and blend it into a range of exceptional cigars with distinct flavours.
Water. Fire. Earth.
Davidoff Nicaragua stimulates in both a sweet and bitter way. The cigar offers intense flavours typical for Nicaraguan cigars combined with the perfect construction and balance of a Davidoff cigar.
The fiery and bittersweet palate stimulation of Davidoff Nicaragua goes best with a creamy and matured rum. The specially selected well-aged Nicaraguan tobaccos blend to an intense experience of spice, roasted coffee and leather, and pair perfectly with the texture of matured rums.
Handmade with 100% tobacco, Primeros by Davidoff inspire you to find pleasures in the briefest of pauses.
In a hand-selected Sumatran wrapper, these mini cigarillos inspire you to exquisite and smooth tastes in no small measure.
The modern Davidoff Sliding Ashtrays are made for adventurous aficionados. They come in an exciting nature-inspired shape with a cigar stand and are well suited for outdoor cigar rituals.
In two timeless finishes.