Whatever the task, whatever the hour, Winston Churchill knew the right cigar can be a trusted companion. So the cigars which carry his name echo his character.
Winston Churchill was a man of many facets and interests. Leading an empire by day, writing books and speeches by night, all the while inspiring the people around him with his incredible depth of character – and always with a cigar in hand.
The refined and complex «The Original Series» translates this man's diverse character into a multi-origin blend that creates a taste experience as rich in variety as Churchill's daily routine.
To accompany the complex and multi-faceted «The Original Series» with creamy notes and flavours of fresh spice and black coffee, the selected beverage should offer the same flavours and complexity.
One suggestion is a mild, elegant and malty whisky, ideally from the Highlands or from Speyside, delighting with a complimenting aroma profile. The cigars also pair very well with with an Earl Grey tea.
For your perfect pairing moment: thanks to its notches, the glass offers an ideal place to rest your cigar. Sir Winston Churchill's silhouette at the bottom adds a subtle elegance.
This Belicoso celebrates Winston Churchill with the blend of «The Original Series» in a short, but very flavourful format, presented in a handy yet elegant tin of 4.
Davidoff's Master Blenders combined complexity and the signature Davidoff balance in this small format medium-filler cigar. With the Petit Panetela, you can enjoy the blend of «The Original Series» in 15 minutes.
Winston Churchill was a Raconteur. A teller of tales and a weaver of words, his speeches were as captivating in private as they were in public. The new Davidoff Winston Churchill humidor is inspired by this character facet of Churchill and shows an excerpt of Churchill's book "My Early Life" on the lid. It is one of the 50 books written by this great man.
Winston Churchill «The Late Hour Series»
A rich and complex taste experience