The Davidoff Aniversario line was launched on Zino Davidoff's 80th birthday in 1986. Still today, Aniversario with its medium intensity and irresistibly creamy finish offers the ideal cigars to fill special times beautifully.
Blended with mostly visus tobaccos, Aniversario exemplifies the perfect medium-intense cigar. The line is renowned for its diverse formats and elegant complexity, with each format offering a unique taste experience.
The Davidoff Aniversario line offers formats ideal to fill special times beautifully. With intense notes of cedar wood, roasted nuts and fresh spice, the aromatic and balanced medium blend is ideally complemented by the elegant character of a brut champagne.
Handmade with 100% tobacco, Primeros by Davidoff inspire you to find pleasures in the briefest of pauses.
In a hand-selected Sumatran wrapper, these mini cigarillos inspire you to exquisite and smooth tastes in no small measure.