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The Diademas Finas, which has never before been part of the Grand Cru line, features a filler tobacco that was aged in a red wine cask. The blend and the figurado format help this masterpiece to resemble the taste of a fine red wine. The cigar thus appeals to both cigar aficionados and wine connoisseurs.
Limited to 15,500 boxes worldwide.
Davidoff Cigars has finished its “Cigar History Re-Rolled” series by introducing a groundbreaking innovation for the brand. As part of its “The Difference” campaign, Davidoff had re-released three iconic cigars from its White Band Collection – Signature, Millennium, and Aniversario – as limited editions over the course of the past year. To close the series on a high note, the brand is paying tribute to its Grand Cru line with a new format and a unique blend. The fourth and final release draws inspiration from the world of wine, appealing to both cigar enthusiasts and wine connoisseurs. The cigar is presented in the brand’s first Grand Cru Figurado format, showcasing expert craftsmanship and gradually revealing its fruity character, much like a fine Bordeaux.
The company has launched the Grand Cru Diademas Finas Limited Edition Collection, revealing an interesting fact about its cigar production: Davidoff cultivates 15 different terroirs in the Dominican Republic. Each terroir’s respective tobaccos create different sensory experiences. Different growing conditions bring different flavor profiles.
Edward Simon, CMO at Oettinger Davidoff, explains, “The possibilities offered by different terroirs in winemaking and the blending of at least three different main grape varieties in French winemaking inspired Zino Davidoff in 1946 to create a cigar line that would be blended in the same way as a fine red wine. The line we know today as Grand Cru has its origins in this wine-cigar analogy. Our new Grand Cru Diademas Finas with a wine cask- aged filler tobacco is based on this idea, as the cigar perfectly reflects the main aromas of a well-aged red wine.”