Publication text: Katja Gnann | Source: Cigar Journal


On announcing the release of its latest Maduro cigar, Davidoff Cigars declared that “a true Maduro is made of time.” While all Davidoff cigars are the product of years of preparation, work, and experience, the Maduro’s extensive creation process is worth taking a closer look at.



Oettinger Davidoff, the company behind Davidoff Cigars, prides itself on its “crop to shop” philosophy, which means that every step in the value chain – from the creation of the seed to the final cigar in the stores – can be steered. “Our philosophy not only allows us to produce our tobacco and cigars ethically and responsibly, but it also gives us a great deal of freedom and creativity with our blending process,” says Edward Simon, CMO at Oettinger Davidoff.


Davidoff’s extensive seed bank represents the work of several generations of agronomists. It’s the product of more than 30 years of experimentation and innovation, which pays off many times over – as it did for the Maduro blend. “We can invest years in seed hybridization and testing before we decide on a tobacco variety, while at the same time, we have access to our large tobacco inventory from which we can potentially create seven million blends.”

Davidoff Maduro Limited Edition 2024


Davidoff’s new Maduro cigar is wrapped in a chocolate-colored Ecuadorian leaf with a seed variation that was several years in the making. “We were aiming for a sweet and creamy taste for this cigar, and we cross-bred and tested until we had our Ecuadorian wrapper that would perfectly convey this flavor throughout the experience and harmonized with the five Dominican fillers and the Mexican binder,” explains Simon. This leaf grows at the crown of the tobacco plant, in a leaf grade that Davidoff calls Corte #7.

Here, it receives more direct and intense sunlight than the other leaves, which increases photosynthesis and sugar production, making the leaf thicker and more robust.

Davidoff Maduro Limited Edition 2024

Davidoff Maduro is available as a Toro, Robusto or Short Corona. Each elegant box contains 20 cigars


“Because our wrapper is so different in texture, we adapted our fermentation process to it – a tailor-made treatment, if you like, because each tobacco variety follows its own timeline,” says Simon. The Maduro wrapper’s fermentation time was doubled to 16 months, which also means double the quality control and care. “We don’t add any external heat sources and allow nature and time to perfect the leaves in our expertly maintained fermentation piles.” During this time, Davidoff’s master blenders regularly test the leaves for combustion and flavor to determine the exact moment that they’re perfect for wrapping around a cigar. It’s these 16 months that make all the difference in taste. “Fermentation was the key factor in achieving the taste we had originally intended for the cigar,” Simon adds. “Our Maduro has a sweet and creamy aroma, thanks to the process and the expertise of our blenders.”

Text: Katja Gnann
Source: https://www.cigarjournal.com



This full-bodied cigar, with intense sweet and creamy flavours delivers a sophisticated taste experience new to the Davidoff range and worthy of the name Maduro. Click below to discover more about this full-bodied Maduro cigar!

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Davidoff White Band Collection cigars - Signature, Grand Cru, Aniversario, Millennium

White Band Collection

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Davidoff Black Band Collection cigars - Escurio, Nicaragua, Yamasà

Black Band Collection

Exceptional cigars with distinct flavours

Davidoff Winston Churchill Cigars - «The Original Collection» and «The Late Hour Collection»

Winston Churchill Series

Inspired by a great iconic aficionado

Davidoff Year of the Snake cigars on top of the Masterpiece Humidor

Limited Editions

The pinnacle of expertise and quality

Davidoff Oro Blanco 111 Years open cigar box of 10

Super Premium

The rarest of the rare

Davidoff x Boyarde 1 of 1 Humidor - Instinctively


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Davidoff Concrete Ashtrays in 2 different sizes and three different material colors - dark grey concrete, white marble and grey with a golden border


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