Every Davidoff cigar has its own unique flavour. Complex aromas mix with heady scents. Some are light and delicate, while others treat your palate to rich and creamy aftertastes. Yet, they all have something in common: They fill your time beautifully. If you are sharing the ritual with someone else, taste journeys and topics of conversation will begin to emerge. At the centre of this experience should be a Davidoff ashtray. Pleasing to the eye, it is an elegant hub around which to gather.
Zino Davidoff viewed it more as a ceremony than a process: The selection of the right cigar. It is hugely dependent on moment, mood and time of day. Once you have made your choice, roll your cigar between your fingers, smell it, taste it – and feel it. You are about to embark on a journey of pure pleasure.
The ultimate goal of Davidoff Cigars is to fill your time beautifully. Doing so begins long before actually lighting your favourite creation. The cigar ritual consists of several steps that enhance your cigar enjoyment even more. Davidoff accessories combine technical excellence with design elegance. We believe that every moment of these all-important ritual steps will fill your time beautifully.