The rich, red soil of the Yamasá valley was a challenge for the Davidoff farmers and Master Blenders. Yet 20 years of dedication moulded those earthy and spicy flavours into a complex masterpiece. It is a small miracle that such an enjoyment rose from the earth.
Only the Davidoff Master Blenders could take on the power of nature and blend it into a range of exceptional cigars with distinct flavours.
Water. Fire. Earth.
Davidoff Yamasá offers an intense, spicy-sweet palate stimulation, coupled with the signature Davidoff refinement and sophistication. The smaller ring gauge formats get a kick from the Yamasá tobacco.
The Davidoff Yamasá cigars with their rich complexity are best paired with a mature cask aged single malt whisky. The cigars' characteristic notes look to mingle with the deep aromas of the whisky.
The modern Davidoff Sliding Ashtrays are made for adventurous aficionados. They come in an exciting nature-inspired shape with a cigar stand and are well suited for outdoor cigar rituals.
In two timeless finishes.